A Penetration Testing Framework
InSSIDER by MetaGeek
Both tools are noisy; they send SSID4ess probe requests and look for probe responses
Therefore, cannot detect APs that don’t respond to such requests!
Utilize a traditional sniffer, gathering wireless packets
, Wire Shark
, and more War DrivingOr use a wireless-specific sniffer for better analysis of wireless specific frame data
(formerly Airopeek), Commercial
and WEPCrack
crack WEP keys
(included in kali) by Josh Wright provides a dictionary attack against LEAP authentication
Josh Wright has released a tool called CoWPAtty
(in Kali)
(included in kali) allows an attacker to quickly configure an evil wireless access point that the attacker has full control over.
is a great function within Metasploit, allowing you to fake access points, capture passwords, harvest data, and conduct browser attacks against clients.
Nmap allows for conducting numerous types of scans:
Port scanning is the process of checking for open TCP or UDP ports on a remote machine.
--Please note that port scanning is illegal in many countries and should not be performed outside the labs.--
The simplest TCP port scanning technique, usually called CONNECT scanning, relies on the three-way TCP handshake mechanism.
Connect port scanning involves attempting to complete a three-way handshake with the target host on the specified port(s).
If the handshake is completed, this indicates that the port is open.
# TCP Netcat port scan on ports 3388-3390
> nc -nvv -w 1 -z 3388-3390
# -n :: numeric only ip adressess no DNS
# -v :: verboose use twice to be more verboose
# -w :: (secs) timeout for connects and final net reads
# -z :: zero I/O mode (used for scanning)
SYN scanning, or stealth scanning, is a TCP port scanning method that involves sending SYN packets to various ports on a target machine without completing a TCP handshake.
If a TCP port is open, a SYN-ACK should be sent back from the target machine, informing us that the port is open, without the need to send a final ACK back to the target machine.
With early and primitive firewalls, this method would often bypass firewall logging, as this logging was limited to completed TCP sessions.
This is no longer true with modern firewalls, and the term stealth is misleading. Users might believe their scans will somehow not be detected, when in fact, they will be.
> nc -nv -u -z -w 1 10.0-0.19 160-162
# -u :: UDP mode
# We’ll scan one of my local machines while monitoring the amount
# of traffic sent to the specific host using iptables.
> iptables -I INPUT 1 -s -j ACCEPT
> iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -d -j ACCEPT
> iptables -Z
# -I :: insert in chain as rulenum ( default 1=first)
# -s :: source (address)
# -j :: jump target for the rulw
# -Z :: ??
> nmpap -sT
> iptables -vn -L
> iptables -Z
# -sT :: TCP Connect Scan
# -v :: Display more information in the output
# -L :: List the current filter rules.
> nmap -sT -p 1-65635
> iptables -vn -L
# -p :: port range
--Full nmap scan of a class C network (254 hosts) would result in sending over 1000 MB of traffic to the network.--
So, if we are in a position where we can’t run a full port scan on the network, what can we do?
To deal with large volumes of hosts, or to otherwise try to conserve network traffic, we can attempt to probe these machines using Network Sweeping techniques.
Machines that filter or block ICMP requests may seem down to a ping sweep, so it is not a definitive way to identify which machines are really up or down.
> nmap -sP ## Deprecated in modern versions Use -sn instead
Show ips of connected devices
> nmap -sn
# -sn :: ping scan
# using the grep command can give you output that’s difficult to manage.
# let’s use Nmap’s “greppable” output parameter (-oG)
> nmap -v -sn -oG ping-sweep.txt
> grep Up ping-sweep.txt | cut -d " " -f 2
# we can sweep for specific TCP or UDP ports (-p) across the network
> nmap -p 80 -oG web-sweep.txt
> grep open web-sweep.txt |cut -d " " -f 2
# we are conducting a scan for the top 20 TCP ports.
> nmap –sT –A --top-ports=20 –oG top-port-sweep.txt
# OS fingerprinting (-O parameter).
> nmap -O
Nmap can also help identify services on specific ports, by banner grabbing, and running several enumeration scripts (-sV and -A parameters).
> nmap -sV -sT
# -sV :: probe open ports to determine service / version info
The scripts include a broad range of utilities, from DNS enumeration scripts, brute force attack scripts, and even vulnerability identification scripts.
All NSE scripts can be found in the /usr/share/nmap/scripts directory
> nmap --script smb-os-discovery.nse
# Another useful script is the DNS zone transfer NSE script
> nmap --script=dns-zone-transfer -p 53 ns2.megacorpone.com
C:\> netstat -na
--> Shows listening TCP/UDP portsC:\> netstat -nao
--> ShowspidC:\> netstat -nab
--> Shows EXE and all DLLS usedTCPView
On Linux/UNIX, you could run > netstat -nap