Lockdoor Framework

A Penetration Testing Framework

Web App Penetration Testing

Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

Web applications frequently redirect and forward users to other pages and websites, and use untrusted data to determine the destination pages. Without proper validation, attackers can redirect victims to phishing or malware sites, or use forwards to access unauthorized pages.

Here is code from routes/index.js,

// Handle redirect for learning resources link
app.get("/learn", function (req, res, next) {
    return res.redirect(req.query.url);

An attacker can change the url-query parameter to point to malicious website and share it. Victims are more likely to click on it, as the initial part of the link (before query parameters) points to a trusted site.

How Do I Prevent It

Safe use of redirects and forwards can be done in a number of ways:

HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP)

HTTP Parameter Pollution, or HPP, refers to manipulating how a website treats parameters it receives during HTTP requests. The vulnerability occurs when parameters are injected and trusted by the vulnerable website, leading to unexpected behavior. This can happen on the back-end, server-side, where the servers of the site you’re visiting are processing information invisible to you, or on the client-side, where you can see the effect in your client, which is usually your browser.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

A CSRF attack forces a logged-on victim’s browser to send a forged HTTP request, including the victim’s session cookie and any other automatically included authentication information, to a vulnerable web application. This allows the attacker to force the victim’s browser to generate requests that vulnerable application processes are legitimate requests from the victim.

A cross-site request forgery, or CSRF, attack occurs when an attacker can use an HTTP request to access a user’s information from another website, and use that information to act on the user’s behalf. This typically relies on the victim being previously authenticated on the target website where the action is submitted, and occurs without the victim knowing the attack has happened.


HTML Injection

HTML injection is a type of injection issue that occurs when a user is able to control an input point and is able to inject arbitrary HTML code into a vulnerable web page. This vulnerability can have many consequences, like disclosure of a user's session cookies that could be used to impersonate the victim, or, more generally, it can allow the attacker to modify the page content seen by the victims.

How to Test

This vulnerability occurs when the user input is not correctly sanitized and the output is not encoded. An injection allows the attacker to send a malicious HTML page to a victim. The targeted browser will not be able to distinguish (trust) the legit from the malicious parts and consequently will parse and execute all as legit in the victim context.

There is a wide range of methods and attributes that could be used to render HTML content. If these methods are provided with an untrusted input, then there is an high risk of XSS, specifically an HTML injection one. Malicious HTML code could be injected for example via innerHTML, that is used to render user inserted HTML code. If strings are not correctly sanitized the problem could lead to XSS based HTML injection. Another method could be document.write()

When trying to exploit this kind of issues, consider that some characters are treated differently by different browsers. For reference see the DOM XSS Wiki.

The innerHTML property sets or returns the inner HTML of an element. An improper usage of this property, that means lack of sanitization from untrusted input and missing output encoding, could allow an attacker to inject malicious HTML code.

Example of Vulnerable Code: The following example shows a snippet of vulnerable code that allows an unvalidated input to be used to create dynamic html in the page context:

var userposition=location.href.indexOf("user=");
var user=location.href.substring(userposition+5);
document.getElementById("Welcome").innerHTML=" Hello, "+user;

In the same way, the following example shows a vulnerable code using the document.write() function:

var userposition=location.href.indexOf("user=");
var user=location.href.substring(userposition+5);
document.write("<h1>Hello, " + user +"</h1>");

In both examples, an input like the following:


will add to the page the image tag that will execute an arbitrary JavaScript code inserted by the malicious user in the HTML context.

9. CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) Injection

A Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF) Injection vulnerability occurs when an application does not sanitize user input correctly and allows for the insertion of carriage returns and line feeds, input which for many internet protocols, including HTML, denote line breaks and have special significance.

The effect of a CRLF Injection includes HTTP Request Smuggling and HTTP Response Splitting. HTTP Request Smuggling occurs when an HTTP request is passed through a server which processes it and passes it to another server, like a proxy or firewall. This type of vulnerability can result in:

How to test

Cross-Site Scripting

There are two things to note here which will help when finding XSS vulnerabilities:

When searching for XSS vulnerabilities, here are some things to remember:

XSS Attacks types

Cross Site Scripting Via URL query parameters

Note any URL query parameters and inject a script into each.

Cross Site Scripting Via POST parameters

Use Burp-Suite to note POST parameters and inject a script into each.

Use Cookie Manager or Burp-Suite to create a cross site script and inject a script into each cookie. If the page prints the value of the cookie to the screen, the script will execute.

Cross Site Scripting Via HTTP Headers

Any time dynamic output is displayed by the browser, think "Cross-Site Scripting". Work backwards from that output to see if there is a way to influence what is output. This could be as simple as entering "123" in the first field, "456" in the second field, and so on. Repeat this for all input including HTTP Headers, Cookie values, Hidden Fields etc. If those inputs show up anywhere in the output investigate further. Dont look for visible output. That will miss most of the output. Search the entire response stream including all the HTTP Headers. If you find your test strings, send in more useful characters such as "<". Some developers sanitize input which may later be output. Others encode (escape) the input. These are nice tries but can result in "FAIL" because the data could be changed after it is input encoded by someone with access to the database, a database corrupting script, or any attempts to filter/sanitize can be flawed/bypassed.

Any time the application uses the HTTP headers there are multiple possibilities. If the HTTP header is output into the page, think XSS. But with HTTP Headers, also consider HTTP Response Splitting. HTTP Headers are delimited (separated) by line-breaks. Check out the RFC on HTTP to see the specification. When an application included some type of input as output into the HTTP Header, it may be possible to inject a line-break. If this is possible, then an actor could also inject a new HTTP Header of there choosing. These two situations are counterparts. XSS via HTTP Headers may occur when HTTP Request Headers are output into the HTTP Response. HTTP Response Splitting may occur when user/database input is output into HTTP Headers.

JSON Hijacking

JSON injection may occur when user or attacker controlled input is later incorporated without being encoded into the web server response. In other words, the attacker can send input which later is incorporated into the JSON response.

This vulnerability requires that you are exposing a JSON service which…

Discovery Methodology

JSON injection starts like any injection; find the possible input parameters including adding custom parameters (parameter addition attack) to see if the application will process them and place those inputs into the JSON returned by the server. (If we cannot get our input into the JSON returned by the server, we cannot inject the JSON.)

Access Control Flows

Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme


CSRF Prompt By-Pass

<img id="image2" >